A Surprising Tool To Help You Dispensary Point Of Sale

The industry or you  know just on the outside looking in and dispensary point of sale systems want to keep a pulse on the industry you know is a kind of a just a daily dispensary point of sale newsletter to let you know kind of what's going on the industry's constantly in flux not only from a  nationwide perspective but also from a state perspective there are a lot of things going on a lot of changes  happening that the conversation is ongoing in this country dispensary point of sale.

And you know I know it's oftentimes difficult to keep  up so we felt that it would be dispensary point of sale beneficial to have a daily newsletter so people can you know in the middle of their daily lives and their very busy lives keep a pulse as to what's going on um do you sponsor your webinars yes we do in fact we just completed our first webinar last week with Patrick McManaman  from can asure.

dispensary pos system

And we have another one coming up here in a couple of weeks I don't remember what day exactly but yeah those are industry based webinars dispensary point of sale tailored to marijuana operators so that  way they you know it's just kind of our goal in addition to providing the technology is to facilitate the discussion the conversation and allow business operators to have access to cutting-edge technology best practices.

You know we this is not we don't want this industry to be a shadow industry anymore so anything we can do to dispensary point of sale disseminate knowledge and best practices to you know make our customers more successful or potential customers more successful in the industry more successful as a whole you know we want to play a role in that and finally so what do you see is the future of cannabis in the u.s.

And the role that you're gonna play in that I see I mean the tide is definitely turned with  respect to public opinion I strongly believe especially with the very recent expose if you will from dr. Sanjay Gupta of CNN bring it to the forefront of the conversation I think public opinion is swaying I think it's it this is going to be a permanent change in the wind so to  speak and I think we will continue to see growing support for marijuana dispensary point of sale.


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