
Showing posts from November, 2018

How To Turn Your Cannabis Pos From Blah Into Fantastic

state-by-state or was it  was it federally all at once cannabis pos it will be  what is federally all at once but that's a good question as to whether I think State started to defect from from the original constitutional amendment and then they the feds followed suit. cannabis pos yeah I  mean a lot of the Savior cannabis pos I have already happened dispensary management system software where the government was poisoning people who were drinking alcohol here try wood grain alcohol instead that's a real danger we're just like you said did the same thing with cannabis yeah what was their chemical called paraquat God and they not only did this in the US. they did in Vietnam and a few other Asian countries as well cannabis pos yeah during the war during Vietnam they were doing that to try to I guess keep  the soldiers from smoking too much that's so weird isn't it I mean like I don't think people appreciate the depths of the crimina...

Everyone Loves Cannabis Consulting

Just I  could you know Arnold I mean others not  exactly the handsome this guy he's not ugly the horse he's ripped  also Arnold could get any woman on the cannabis consulting face of the earth Cedric basically what I'm saying yeah  you do not read well not anymore you know. If you ever seen a that was pretty good I like that have you ever seen a  pumping iron the document the documentary halle-loo dispensary consultants yeah you know it's funny because you get this impression that Arnold had impaired  English most of his career like he never like heat his English was fairly imperfect like when he ran for governor like for whatever reason he gave speeches cannabis consulting . cannabis consulting It just you even then it felt like his English was suboptimal but if you watch pumping iron his cannabis consulting English is like flawless like literally he's just  got his basic authoring accent but it doesn't it's not so thick tha...

How To Make More Cannabis Pos By Doing Less

You should be getting some  exactly equivalent to purchases not not  arbitrary $ some here you know one after another that's  stupid I agree I mean I think tony cannabis pos cupisz an arrogant ass home and whatever  it's no comment but yeah I'll let you take the back last room that out of there okay fair enough  well. We I forgot about that guy in Liberty Hill oh I need to well I was thing I needed to do maybe while you're  gone a site for moping about recent cannabis pos events is try to push for more I'm going to try and get people to accept - locally I want to try and get some businesses now I've already actually gotten several friends and acquaintances to accept - Danny asked you have some photos of it. cannabis pos I don't know if they've had it we've had a  chance to pose to me and I think we're kind of out posting with a few others cannabis pos yeah with a few others that's something else I'll be doing ...