How To Make More Cannabis Pos By Doing Less

You should be getting some  exactly equivalent to purchases not not  arbitrary $ some here you know one after another that's  stupid I agree I mean I think tony cannabis pos cupisz an arrogant ass home and whatever  it's no comment but yeah I'll let you take the back last room that out of there okay fair enough  well.

We I forgot about that guy in Liberty Hill oh I need to well I was thing I needed to do maybe while you're  gone a site for moping about recent cannabis pos events is try to push for more I'm going to try and get people to accept - locally I want to try and get some businesses now I've already actually gotten several friends and acquaintances to accept - Danny asked you have some photos of it.

cannabis pos
cannabis pos

I don't know if they've had it we've had a  chance to pose to me and I think we're kind of out posting with a few others cannabis pos yeah with a few others that's something else I'll be doing on this route as I'm going to these cities I'm also going to be heating the feeding homeless.

Ok City as I go along and and we'll be reaching out the gun stores and get the ghost gunner in the gut and some that's right Cody was all on board for that yeah I think it's a great idea and then you  know here and there getting random people to download - wallets it's quick and easy cannabis pos this is the real resistance it's not that crap that you know the Democrats are doing researched so god go out and beat people up.

I know all that antifa and all that crazy left nonsense Boeing I was watching one of those ant antifoam videos it got old I thought because we're about to come to break cannabis pos danny has a story on the other side [Music] moron who's like he bought an ar- right Jiki he went to the gun store anything well the gods a gun store said.

I needed it it's like all these attachments were on like rifles and sides and little cannabis pos computers are all stuck on the barrel everything that I don't know only I don't know what this is called but you  really need it the guide to gun store told me so you're freaking these like it's making a Facebook live video


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