cannabis pos a cannabis software program
Whenever we're looking For cannabis pos we say you know several things where does the register collect from with the preposition there right now but then we've also got alerts for the registers above or below certain dollar amounts just like the inventory you know alerts and then of course you know
cannabis pos a cannabis software program ?
Some of the other bells and whistles you know integrations this is the Quick Books integration that allows you to export a CSV or an if' file and just to give for any accountants watching this some more insight its account names account types and then this is an export import in the you know
Quick Books any books so you know you've got your different payments cogs whole sales this puts out a file that you can import into Quick Books and then pick up the rest of the you know pieces so to speak that we don't track which are very few but they might be things like building .
Depreciation or some other things that you know the accounting wheel was invented a long time ago so we're not taking our time to reinvent that instead you know putting all of the bells and whistles and the automation through the guts of the operation the patient flow the inventory flow getting
Orders online versus on tablets versus drivers completing orders on the road on cellphones and all those you know all those pieces and that's my general you know that's my general that's my general kind of flow through the software you know the questions often come up about things like you know
On boarding training we've got coursework you get a dedicated site and a training site as well as it dedicated one of our one of my ongoing specialists that you work with through the whole process you know if you've got tons of stuff we can do imports so it's not all data entry on the front end but
It's a it's an involve setup process so that life after setup is automated and very easy and let's see if we have any questions okay so just as a reminder go ahead and put your questions in the control panel and we will answer them they are so I do see two questions about integrating.
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