
Showing posts from October, 2018

The Philosophy Of Cannabis Pos

The Philosophy Of Cannabis POS It's like if you're  not buddy-buddy with the your local  politician you're not getting a license cannabis pos canada  period right and you know it's it's basically they're erecting barriers to  entry and it's unfortunate because the the consumer and potential entrepreneurs. Who could offer great things cannabis pos to the market but don't have the capital to meet these requirements get screwed  anyway that's just my sight soapbox thing it's unfortunate but you know at least it is better than nothing it's  better they lost to the hand so you tell me you had a source inator sound board to do oh my God we're going to have fun with that anyway. cannabis pos I'm just  it's better than prohibition it's just unfortunate that all these states are either making it so that only people with a lot of money can get in on it or like in Colorado cannabis pos as my buddy who lives ...

What Make Cannabis pos Don't Want You To Know

so you know all of these  point-of-sale systems that currently  exist are are basically just operating off of cash and and record for reconciliation purposes dispensary point of sale  I see so they're not really fitted for for say upgrading to what you guys are  proposing absolutely and so what so what we're proposing is working hand in hand  with the current point of sale systems to be able to enable them to add value for their customers. to be able to help increase the adoption dispensary point of sale we figured as if we go with a channel strategy and we can really hit the you know that the  predominant players in the industry that will also help exit exponentially increase the adoption of the currency through you know our value solution that  makes sense. dispensary point of sale who was our last guest or a recent guest who was talking about how when you go into an industry like this was something brand new you don't nec...

A Surprising Tool To Help You Dispensary Point Of Sale

The industry or you  know just on the outside looking in and dispensary point of sale systems  want to keep a pulse on the industry you know is a kind of a just a daily dispensary point of sale  newsletter to let you know kind of what's going on the industry's constantly in flux not only from a  nationwide perspective but also from a state perspective there are a lot of things going on a lot of changes  happening that the conversation is ongoing in this country dispensary point of sale . And you know I know it's oftentimes difficult to keep  up so we felt that it would be dispensary point of sale beneficial to have a daily newsletter so people can you know in the middle of their daily lives and their very busy lives keep a pulse as to what's going on um do you sponsor your webinars yes we do in fact we just completed our first webinar last week with Patrick McManaman  from can asure. And we have another one coming up here in a ...

Five Preparations You Should Make Before Using Marijuana Pos

Regulations so that being said we  couldn't predict with any type of accuracy how processes should be and we  don't want to dictate to the business marijuana pos operators how to run their business so  we kind of have a an open sandbox platform in which case. You can use you know the features in various combinations and permutations that work best for you that also then helps with the state regulation problem in the  sense that for your particular state you can do a number of things and customize your system and tailor your system to  your state's regulations labels are a perfect example rather than dictate to marijuana pos you exactly what a label should look like our system. Comes with a custom  label creator and you can on your labels not only create static fields such as warnings and cautions that are mandated by the regs to which you are beholden  but also any of the inventory fields or patient fields that you want on ...