Five Preparations You Should Make Before Using Marijuana Pos
Regulations so that being said we couldn't predict with any type of accuracy how processes should be and we don't want to dictate to the business marijuana pos operators how to run their business so we kind of have a an open sandbox platform in which case.
You can use you know the features in various combinations and permutations that work best for you that also then helps with the state regulation problem in the sense that for your particular state you can do a number of things and customize your system and tailor your system to your state's regulations labels are a perfect example rather than dictate to marijuana pos you exactly what a label should look like our system.
Comes with a custom label creator and you can on your labels not only create static fields such as warnings and cautions that are mandated by the regs to which you are beholden but also any of the inventory fields or patient fields that you want on there in terms of the string name how many grams is inside this package to which patients is this assigned to marijuana pos and you know if there is anything that comes out in the regs.
That you know we know well in advance we will make sure marijuana pos that we add additional reporting capabilities that are required for example in the state of Colorado our system auto generates the the manifest logs required by the mme d also in colorado they have the / rule the retailer must sell seventy percent of what he you know what he or she grows and we have a reporting functionality .
That allows you to keep track of that so marijuana pos really what it is the system is just a marijuana pos mass collection of data and collects data at every single data point possible for the inventory for the patients and so all we really have to do is generate the reporting required specific to the area that you're in if the software run in the cloud or on individual servers at businesses up until recently we were mostly premise based so all of your data would be secure on your own server at your own location for security purposes however.
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